Tips & Suggested Apps for Reluctant Readers
Use voice technology to assess reading ability
Let the child "decide"
Julie Landry Laviolette, founder of Story Bayou, Inc., is a parenting journalist, mom, and educational book app developer who created the book app, Brush of Truth, to appeal to reluctant readers. She has written several guest blog posts about the app industry, and about using non-traditional ways to engage kids in reading. Here are her suggestions for reaching reluctant readers: “Tips to Get Kids Reading”
Make it personalized
Love You to the Moon & Back, an interactive bedtime book for kids by Sue Shanahan (presented by Auryn) allows you to record your own voice and change the text of the story. It also has another neat feature highlighted below, "tap to label" - touch an object in the scene to hear and see its written label.
Use Musical Story Apps
Make reading irresistibly fun
More ideas for Struggling Readers
Try a story app with a Dyslexia-friendly font
Look for apps that highlight each word in the story as it is spoken.
A number of story apps do this. Read this blog post and this blog post for some places to start.
Try apps with a "tap to label" feature
Use Modeled Writing with "Write to Read"
Create your own stories
Use audiobooks and ereaders.
Consider Adapted Apps & Other Apps with Visual Supports
Premade Adapted Stories
A great online resource for adapted Boardmaker books (you will need the Boardmaker software) is
Marblesoft has premade readers with picture symbol support, including A Leader Is and My Country. These apps are switch accessible too. (for more switch accessible stories and games from Marblesoft see here; also take a look at Inclusive Technology Ltd.)

Attainment's Read to Learn by Attainment Company uses real photos for visual support and has features such as highlighting of words, auto page turn and more. The app has stories with graded comprehension exercises; the stories are divided into three categories: Safety Skills, Life Skills, Focus on Feelings. This app is capable of scanning and is switch accessible.
iGet It Apps has premade apps with a diverse set of life skills topics such as "Going to the Beach", "People in My Community", "Going to the Playground", "Going to Birthday Parties" - view them all here, You can choose to customize each story with your own pictures, audio recordings and written labels. has several dozen premade (but customizable) story apps, such as 2nd Grade Reading - I Like Horses and I Like Animals - Learning to Read Books - all 37 books are available in one app title I Like Books - 37 Picture Books for Kids in 1 App You can edit the audio recordings and words on each page- as well as embed "pop up" labels that show when a part of the image is touched. You can touch any word to hear it spoken. The apps also offer word highlighting.
Two more "general education" apps you may also find helpful for creating custom lessons: Bitsboard Pro and Sentence Maker.
Make your own Adapted Stories & Lessons
For a switch accessible story maker, try Alexicom Elements Story Maker .

AutisMate - If you are looking for an app that allows you to create visual scenes and stories with picture, video, image and audio support and can also can serve as an AAC/ communication tool, this is worth a serious look. FULL REVIEW HERE
GoTalk Now by Attainment Company is another versatile AAC app that allows you to create books and has a visual scene mode. You can even embed Internet links and music into app buttons. There is also a library of user created materials available.
Scene Speak by Good Karma apps is a fully customizable visual scene app that allows custom written/audio labels (with recorded or text to speech) to pop up when a designated area is touched. This is a flexible app with easy to use features. You can add images to the app via your iPad, or even use Google and Bing search.

Abilipad is a custom keyboard app and much, much more. Create your own adapted keyboards for literacy support- you can use the customized keyboards to write within the app, with text to speech and word prediction. You can assign pictures to each keyboard's buttons and make them color coded, pick from a variety of fonts and record your own custom sounds for buttons.
More Writing & Spelling Supports
Crick Software is the maker of Clicker 6 and several other writing tools, including the app Clicker Sentences, featured above. For more information see here. Crick Software also has three writing support apps in the App Store:

Ghotit Real Writer&Reader 3 is a software program for Mac, Windows or Linux (Update: it is available for Android now too)
Ghotit Real Writer&Reader 3 is an integrated writing and reading solution comprising several advanced assistive technologies tailor-made for people with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other specific learning disabilities. The solution helps children and adults with dyslexia and dysgraphia to write, read, and correct texts in any application and includes:
• Word-prediction with grammar and phonetics awareness • Context-sensitive and phonetic spell checker • Advanced grammar and punctuation corrector • An effective proofreader • Speak as you write (speech feedback) • Integrated dictionary • Reading assistance with dual highlighting
Ghotit Real Writer&Reader 3 can be used with any text editor or as a simple to use “Dyslexia Text Editor” at Windows (including tablets), Mac, Linux, and Android (tablets and smartphones).
For additional information visit Ghotit web site at

iReadWrite by Texthelp, Ltd. is an adaptive app geared toward struggling readers and writers. Users have access to a variety of tools within the app, including text to speech (TTS), predictive text, spell checking and homophone checker, a dictionary with picture icons and auditory support, customizable color schemes and fonts, and choice of voices. The app also supports sharing and importation of other documents. FULL REVIEW HERE
For more iOS apps with spellchecking support take a look at Typ-O HD, Writing Buddy (iPhone/iPod), American Wordspeller or Spell Better VPP
Its free apad app. Home Maths 1 teaches your child how to trace numbers and recognize shapes. Free educational math learning app by Cactac studios
ReplyDeletetop educational apps
Ghotit Real Writer & Reader is not only a spelling+grammar support
ReplyDeleteas presented here.
It's a complex triple solution to support:
- writing process for slow writers using grammar and phonetics aware Prediction
with candidates and their descriptions read aloud;
- reading process with dual highlighting;
- text correction support;
Here's Australian-made reviewing for an older version:
If Special Kids would like to make their own reviewing, please contact
Ghotit Support Team.